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Quick Fact: Drums Can Talk

talking drumFACT: Drums can talk! They can’t tell you whether or not that dress makes you look fat, or blab about last night’s football game, but they do have a unique way of communicating.

These are called the “Talking Drums of Africa” and they can imitate pitch variations similar to that of spoken language! They are commonly used for sending signals of communication over great distances. This form of drum communicating is also used to send messages to other villages. Squeezing the drum changes the pitch, and the harder the drum is squeezed, the higher the note is. Talking drums are still used to convey messages today. Imagine a world with no cell phones, and only “Talking Drums” to deliver messages….

Relax text-freaks. You can stop hyper-ventilating, it was just a hypothetical situation.

Check out African Talking Drums in action!

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